Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Warning to all CAT teachers

Realise that one day, soon, your computer's hard drive will crash and you will need to recover everything!  So save your bookmarks (export) to a safe place, backup all work regularly, save all passwords and hope that your colleagues will have patience.  And make sure you have enough cash readily available to buy the new hardware and software!  Accept that it will take some time to get used to the new computer and restore all programs and data.  

No prizes for guessing what happened to me.


Anonymous said...

I would also recommend backing up your contact details from Outlook Express. That's one that I usually forget, and gave me nightmares to find all those addresses again! If your data is REALLY important, I would recommend mirroring your drive. This would have in effect that you could literally just switch drives, and add the newest data from other backups.

Anonymous said...

We are very lucky.Our School has a network and our network admin makes sure that all our stuff is saved automatically on the servers.