Saturday, October 4, 2008

Teaching of CAT

  1. How do schools with economically disadvantaged learners cope with CAT? Those learners have probably not used the computer before starting CAT. How are these learners meant to get up to speed in 3 years of lessons where they use the computer for I period a day? They cannot! The LO talks about ‘Operational knowledge’. Learners cannot get that knowledge unless they operate a computer! May I suggest that such learners do a subject such as computer literacy in grades 8 and 9 in order to expose them to computers before starting CAT in grade 10.
  2. Headmasters must appoint people to teach CAT who are able to ‘teach’ and have knowledge of computers and the Office Suite. I have become aware of a number of schools where the teachers need upskilling in teaching and/or computer skills. We cannot expect our learners to achieve good results if the teachers do not have the office competencies.
  3. When is there going to be a minimum skill requirement to teach CAT such as Advanced ICDL or a university course? .
  4. How many universities offer an in-service qualification in CAT? Very few! Where are teachers meant to get training? The subject advisors cannot be expected to do it as well as their own jobs. National Education did a wonderful job by providing training from TUT but many more people need training and on-going training.
  5. Why do schools offer CAT when they obviously do not have the infrastructure to do so? How many schools have Internet access which forms such a large part of the work, or a printer, scanner, digital camera, data projector, networking staff, etc.
This subject is NOT too difficult and does not need to be watered down. What is needed are other things to make it function better. This one subject, if learnt, is a superb vehicle to uplift and empower people, especially in disadvantaged communities.


Anonymous said...

Hi, all the points you mention are so relevant. I teach at a school where the infrastructure is really lacking, the learners use a computer for the first time when they reach the CAT class.

This being a practical subject, the learner really needs to have access to a computer outside normal school hours, if I look at the textbook (Study Opp) and your work schedule on your site, it is evident that I cannot keep pace with the amount of work that needs to be covered.

I feel that learners from schools such as ours, are at a real disadvantage, and I feel that I will throw in the towel at the end of the year, because the Dept is really demanding results from us which I know we cannot produce.

Some of our computer specs:
Pentium III 500 Mhz
128 MB Ram
6 GB Hard drives

Computers are outdated, breaks often, have to maintain computers, network etc. Learners are disruptive, hungry despondent. Don't have intervals as learners need to work on computers, have Saturday classes, afternoon classes...

Me, I'm looking for another job.

Am I qualified to teach the subject, I think so.

Anonymous said...

When is our subject going to be given credit for University entrance etc? Many of my learners in Grade 12 now say that they have wasted 3 years as it doesnt count for anything.

Anonymous said...

Hi Pat, thanks for all the "free"info I get from your blog.

I finished the ACE(Comp) at Stell. in 2001, but we could not start Comp Stud because at that time we only had 1 computer at school. After we received a Khanya lab, I started CAT in 2006. Our school is about 6 km's from your school, but years apart.

My gr.12's have no time for typing. 2 of them have pc's at home, with different software from ours. I'm struggeling for 2 years to get the Office CD's(MS Schools Agr.), without success. I want my learners to get the correct applications ...

If WCED don't even allocate a librarian post to schools, in an age where kids don't read, there is no light ahead ...

Anonymous said...

RE: CAT and University
Read the answer to question 10 in the FAQs section of the CAT learning space on Thutong

Dr Pam Miller said...

To answer a comment posting:
CAT is recognised by universities but it is not on the designated list. Go to Click on Curriculum and Examination, in the FET subjects, scroll to CAT. Click on FAQs on the left hand side and scroll down to question 10. - This link MAY get you there.

Most interesting, so universities actually want CAT!