Monday, April 22, 2013

Students did their photography exam blindfolded

Students did their photography exam blindfolded. They were told the conditions, e.g. dark, sun from the left, shadow, etc. and then told to take the photograph. They had to know their camera and how to use it while blindfolded - fluidly.
That is how one would expect CAT learners to know and use the Office suite of applications. They should know when to use and how to use the available applications to solve a problem. This requires many activities and exploration of the packages, and use and use and more use in open ended situations until they become fluid. We must help our learners reach that level of competence.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Thank goodness

Thank goodness for CAPS and the PAT. Thank goodness for a document, i.e. CAPS, which spells out exactly which must be taught in each grade and for the PAT which revises so many aspects of the practical work.

I was called in in the middle of the 1st term to teach a grade 12 class at an unnamed school. Every practical lesson, e.g. mail merge (Word), working with dates and times (Excel) and calculations in queries and reports (Access) has brought to my attention that basics are missing.  (These topics were taught in the first term as they are suggested in the grade 12 textbook I am using.)

I am now working on phase 1 of the PAT. I am aware that it should already have been done but …
Today I am so excited. The learners were expected to but could not, but they learned

  • how to insert a section page break 
  • the difference between portrait and landscape orientation 
  • how to convert text to a table 
  • how to insert a column to an existing table 
  • how to insert a row to an existing table 
  • change case 
  • the difference between a heading and a sub heading 
In the past this class did not have a textbook. The teacher used and did what she wished, I think. In future, with CAPS, it will be clearly defined what should be taught, per grade and per term so a teacher can be held responsible for work not taught in a particular grade.

Thank goodness for CAPS. Thank goodness for the PAT as it gives one an opportunity for doing revision. Thank goodness for a Department of Education for supplying approved CAPS textbooks to schools.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

June 2013 exam papers

Please have a look at the description of the scope and length of the June exam papers.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Computers, part of your life – Grade 12

Computers, part of your life – Grade 12
A textbook for Computer Applications Technology
The Grade 12 English and Afrikaans versions of the popular Computers, part of your life series, have been approved by the Department of Education!
These textbook are in a larger (A4), more user-friendly format compared to our previous books and each textbook includes a free DVD. 
You can rest assured that this textbook will provide your learners with everything they need to prepare thoroughly for the first Grade 12 CAPS exams in the coming year.
More information and some samples will be uploaded soon.