Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Gr 11 PAT - Phases 1 and 2

Here are examples of my Gr 11 PAT Phases 1 and 2 - Krause and Peterson. We have struggled with this as the learners had difficulty reading the instructions and planning the way ahead. That is the focus of 1 and 2 and they must just learn to focus! Have a look and see where they lost their marks.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Gr 12 PAT Phase 6

Phase 6 - it really is a sales pitch about how wonderful the Office suite is to solve a specific problem. You show, demonstrate and convince the Board of Governors of all the wonderful features of Excel, Access and Word which help solve the problem.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008

Grade 11 PAT - Phases 1 and 2

I have just marked Phases 1 and 2 of the Grade 11 PAT.
  • The first challenge, and this part of the PAT is deciding on what is required! My learners had difficulty clarifying what was required.
  • The table, indicating what questions need to be asked was not complete! They did not add the survey, database or general questions. They also did not indicate the category of each question.
  • The survey was well done, with a first section and then questions on specific types of social networking applications.
I am going to show mine this PowerPoint and make them redo the whole of Phase 1 and 2.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Gr 12 Written paper

Grade 12 September written paper Afrikaans and English.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Week with service providers, power and computer problems.
  • Friday – No Gmail or Google access from home computer. Links on blog not working – service provider hosting blog has had a hard drive crash so data not available.
  • Saturday morning - Phoned my Internet service provider, overseas connection down. Went to Internet cafĂ© to check Gmail. Links on blog not working.
  • Saturday evening – Storm in Cape Town, power down, sat at laptop with candles marking Grade 12 practical papers until laptop’s power was used up. Links on blog still not working.
  • Sunday – Power up. Overseas connection up so Gmail and Google working. At 11 power went down, trees on line, until 5.
  • Monday – Go to work. Internet at school not working. Links on blog still not working.
  • Tuesday – Internet at school not working. Links on blog still not working.
  • Wednesday – Internet at school working. Service provider hosting blog says I can upload all the work again.
  • My home service provider – Overseas connection went down for over 24 hours
  • Service provider hosting blog – Hard drive crash
  • School’s service provider – I do not know what their problem was but believe it was first their problem then a Telkom problem.
  • Eskom – Two power interruptions in 48 hours. One reason unknown to me. Second untrimmed tress falling on line.
Conclusion and recommendations
  • Will upload to site hosting blog links over weekend and use up all my CAP.
  • Encourage more people to use Gmail which can be accessed via a cell phone even though overseas connections may be down.
  • Will laugh at things I cannot change.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Server where links are stored is down. My school internet is down.
Disaster all round. Thank goodness 4 cellphones.