Saturday, August 30, 2008

Gr 12 CAT Practical paper

Please check the following amendments to CAT Practical marksheet.
2.2.3-Gender and Amount attached: These are Check box Form Fields, not Text Form Fields
4.7.1-Column in formula should be K, not J - they are asked for the highest percentage achieved, not the highest mark achieved
4.7.2-See 4.7.1
6.7-"Sculpture" in the criterion for the query should be "Sculpting"

Some alternative answers:

4.2-Condition in IF function could also be C2>=10
6.2-Validation test for Grade can also be Between 8 And 12
6.4-Input mask for CellNo could also be \0000000000 This forces the first number to be a '0'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vraag 6.8 - Wat gebeur indien die leerders die funksies in die report footer en nie die school footer gedoen het nie? In die rubric staan "Only 1 mark if the report footer is used". Moet dit nie wees "-1 mark if the report footer is used"? Of verloor hulle al 4 punte.