Monday, September 3, 2007

Keeping a balance

I spent some time with teachers recently. We discussed some ways of coping and keeping a balance in life. Here is a summary
Be tolerant and supportive of things which the education department does. We are still in a learning phase with the new curriculum. They really are trying their best and want the system to succeed. Do not be confrontational but try to meet them half way.
Do not make school the whole focus of your life. Remember that if you leave a school, it will still function. You are not indispensable therefore keep school life in perspective.
Try and keep one day a week a digital free day, no cell phones, ipods or computer.
Remember that family and friends are most important and make time for them.
Be supportive of your colleagues – they need your help – but they must also take responsibility for their own actions and time.
Plan your work – make to do lists.
Smile. Smile. Smile. Smile. Smile.

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