Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Teacher activity no 4 - Creating a self marking quiz

Learners love doing quizzes and testing themselves. Such quizzes are useful in that learners can redo them until they know the material. In this activity we will adapt a ready made quiz.
  1. Use the file found on the Study Opportunities Gr 11 CD, in the data folder of Chapter 1.2, called Internet Quiz or Internet TrueFalse. You can use either. They are perfect to use and adapt for your own quiz.
  2. Copy and save the quiz as 'testing' keeping the original in good order.
  3. Open the file with a browser and do the quiz until you are familiar with the questions and the detractors and keys. Close the file.
  4. Right-click on the file and open it with Notepad. It displays coding and the important text which you can change to make it your own. Look for the text which are the questions. Look for the coding which could be the answers (detractors and key) to the questions. Look at the questions and check the answers. The A or B or C or D, refer to the 1st or 2nd or 3rd or 4th answer (key). In this activity we will only change the wording of a question. We will NOT touch a punctuation mark, backslash or pointed bracket.
  5. In Notepad look at the first question. Replace the words of the question and the detractors and key. Check that the correct answer corresponds with the letter for the answer in the answer coding. Save the file with the file extension htm. Close it. Open the file with a browser. Try the question. If it works, good. If it does not work, close the file, think where you did not follow the instructions and start again.
  6. Change all the questions one at a time, checking after each.
  7. See if you can change the title.
  8. Let your learners try the quiz – let them make their own quizzes following these instructions.

Submit your quiz zipped as an attachment with teacher name and school to by Friday 25 February. Creators of submitted quizzes will be commended.


Dr Pam Miller said...

I wonder who is going to send me a test.
I wonder if anyone has read the posting.
Are the instructions not clear?

Dr Pam Miller said...

Someone sent me a html quiz yesterday which would not work. I spent 4 hours working on it and could not get it fixed, and eventually gave up.
The best solution when working with quizzes in html is to find one which works, such as those on the CD, and adapt it SLOWLY, and TEST it after every small step.
Change only the things which are essential to change and nothing else. Do not create a quiz from scratch as there are too many places for errors to creep in.
Good luck. Looking forward to seeing what quizzes will be submitted on Friday.

Dr Pam Miller said...

Just a few more hours to submit the quiz!