Friday, February 25, 2011

Teacher activity no 5 – Assessment calendar

A teacher needs to manage their time very well. Excel and Word have a variety of calendar templates available installed or online. In this activity we will create a personalised calendar with assessment dates for the grades and subjects taught.
  1. Open Excel or Word. Click on New and select templates, calendars. Explore the various options and forms of calendars either installed or online. Select a calendar for the whole year, either as separate sheets for every month or with a single sheet for the year. You need to add many details so it must be large enough!
  2. Download the selection. Save the file. Check that you are able to type on/in the date area.
  3. Insert South African public and school holidays. Show these dates with images or colour.
  4. Insert assessment dates and details into the cells. Distinguish the different grades / subjects / types of assessment with images or colour in the different cells.
  5. Insert dates when marks for reports must be submitted.
  6. Add the school badge so that it will display, as a footer/header or in some other way.

Submit your personalised assessment calendar zipped as an attachment with teacher name and school to by Monday 7 March. Creators of submitted calendars will be commended.

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